
Monday, June 18, 2012

Prepare Today Homemade- Chocolate Mug Cake

Homemade chocolate cake in about a minute???  I should throw away this recipe and forget how easy it is to make, because it really it too easy to have chocolate cake.  I've had this recipe for a few years, but my kids found it for family night last week and we have made it several times since.  

I made several changes to the original recipe so I could use all food storage ingredients.  The original recipe calls for 3 T oil and even my kids thought that sounded like too much.  So I substituted applesauce for the oil, and not just regular old applesauce, dehydrated applesauce.  I had never tried it before and it worked great.  

 Math is not my strong point and I had no idea how to figure out how much of the apple granules it took to make 3 T of applesauce, so I just added some hot water to 3 T of granules.  It made more than I needed but I didn't want to get a headache from trying to figure out the math :)  After, we figured out that the 3 T of dry applesauce made about 6 T of wet, so it was enough for 2 desserts.  Once the dried apple pieces soaked up the hot water, they needed to be mashed.  I used a fork but it was still kind of chunky, I pulled out my immersion blender to smooth it out.  

 Mix the dry ingredients in a mug and stir with a fork.

Add the wet ingredients...applesauce and water.

 Combine with a fork and add in chocolate chips.  

Microwave for about 1 minute 30 seconds and you have a yummy, chocolaty dessert.  Plus it only has 11 points on weight watchers.  (29 points if you use the oil and not applesauce)  I am not on weight watchers but I found that interesting.  

Chocolate Mug Cake
1 coffee mug
4 T flour (try half wheat and half white)
4 T white sugar
2 T baking cocoa
1 egg (1 T egg powder + 2 T water)
3 T milk (1/2 T powdered milk + 3 T water)
3 T applesauce (or oil)
small dash of vanilla
3 T chocolate chips

Add the flour, sugar, cocoa, egg powder and milk powder to the mug.  Stir with a fork until combined.  Add 5 T of water, applesauce and dash of vanilla.  Combine with fork and add in chocolate chips.  Stir until combined.  Cook in microwave for 1 1/2 - 3 minutes.  The cake may rise up above the mug, don't worry!!  Our cakes only took 1 1/2 minutes.

 This is a seriously dangerous dessert!!  Way too easy and way too good!!  My kids even know how to make it by themselves now, and I have even thought of making it into a jarred mix so we don't have to get out all the ingredients every time we want dessert. 


  1. wow! That was easy and is now something I MUST make. Thanks!


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