
Wednesday, April 17, 2013

The Great Utah Shakeout 2013!

Today in Utah was the statewide shakeout.  At 10:15 a.m. the entire state took cover for 1 minute in an earthquake practice scenario.  My four older children were at school during this time and my husband was at work, 45 minutes away. My 5 year old and I were at home and we practiced where we would go if we were upstairs and then again downstairs.
Can you see the little girl under the clothes?  We chose the closet to hide in upstairs.

We chose to hide under the kitchen desk downstairs during the Shake Out.

Do you all have a family emergency plan? I moved about 3 months ago and I realized that my family needs a new emergency preparedness plan.  

For my family's plan we need to:
  • designate a new meeting place outside of our home
  • designate a new meeting place outside of our neighborhood and make sure the whole family understands how they will get to the meeting place.
  • create a new plan if a disaster happens during the day when only mom and the 5 year old are at home.  How will the kids get to the meeting place?  How will dad make it home?  
  • Update all car kits.  My husband drives quite far for work and would have to walk up a canyon to get home.  Does he have what he needs in his vehicle and at work?
  • Then we need to actually practice our plan during the daytime but we also need to have a run through when it's dark.
  • I also need to replace the shoes and flashlights that I had under our beds in our old house.  This will proctect us during the night from glass and other fallen objects.
  Click HERE for more information on earthquake information and having an emergency plan.  

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