
Saturday, October 16, 2010

72-Hour Kit Time Capsule

A friend and neighbor called one day and asked if I would want some old survival kits that were in her home from the previous owner.  Of course I wanted them!  Does a chocoholic like chocolate? I didn't even hesitate and ran over to pick them up.  I was excited to open them up and see what was packaged and what may be still useful.  (We'll get to that later)  My sister was visiting my home and she is interested in all things preparedness so we set up on the back deck with a screwdriver and excitement.

Survival Kits made by the Perma Pack company.

  The kits were sealed in a tin can and were made by Perma Pack in 1961!!!!  I know the date because there was newspaper stuffed into the top of each can with that date on it. I was excited because it said that all the contents fed 6 people and I couldn't wait to see what they had in there.  Well, after we pried the lids off the first thing we noticed was the smell.  I wish I had a scratch and sniff sticker so you all could participate.  You could say the smell was a little overwhelming, and what I really mean is A LOT overwhelming!!  It was very rancid, but we had to keep going to see what was inside.  

This was also fun to read what was going on in 1961.


Inside were packs of dehydrated and powdered food.  My favorite was the powdered multi-purpose food :)  What you would make out of that I don't quite know.  There were powdered drink mixes, cocoa  mix, syrup powder, pancake mix, crackers, rope, kleenex, hand wipes, a sewing kit, plastic spoons, dehydrated carrots, oats, honey powder, instant pudding, fuel tablets, alcohol wipes, instant chicken and beef soups, instant gravy, instant potatoes, powdered applesauce, dehydrated peaches, instant milk powder, camp stew mix, aluminum foil to make a pan with, water disinfectant tablets, multi-vitamins, salt packets, and a whistle.  We did come across the rancid smelling item and it was dehydrated peaches.  I tell you, I can still smell it just by thinking of it.  We actually had to go inside and take a break and get some water.  We all took deep breaths and headed back outside.  
I would love to know what you make with this :)

The source of the awful smell, rotten dehydrated fruit!
 I assume that the food was originally vacuum sealed since it was purchased from the Perma Pack company, but it hadn't held up and the bags all had air in them.  The food was all inedible and rotten.  So if any of you out there have kits that have been sitting in your basement or garage, I highly suggest you find them and go through them.
There was a package of crackers in each can.

We dared my daughter to eat one, and she couldn't do it.
 The only items of use were the plastic cups, spoons, sewing kit, rope, and the matches.  The kits were impressive because they were packed to feed a family of 6 and it was all contained in the tin can.  There were a lot of mixes though and you would need quite a bit of water to make all of the food.  I filled an entire garbage bag with the contents from these kits, so that shows how much actually fit in the cans.
These were all of the item in each can.
 It was like Christmas for me and I had fun opening a time capsule of survival ingredients from days past.  The lesson learned was to keep our 72-hour kits up to-date.  If you could have smelled what I did you would be adding to your kits on a weekly basis :).  

October Goals
Beans-60lbs per person per year.  Beans, peas, lentils, nuts, and sprouting beans.  Store in a cool dry place and dry beans will last 30+ years.  Canned beans have a shelf life of around 2 years.  Rinse your canned beans and soak dry beans to lessen the "effects" of beans.  Soak dry beans for 8-12 hours, rinse and add new water.  Simmer and cook as directed. 
Cold weather clothing and bedding-Take inventory of your coats, hats, gloves, boots, sleeping bags, long underwear, ski clothing, bedding and blankets.  Have a year supply of clothing for children.  Keep blankets and gloves in your car for emergencies. 
Enjoy the journey!
Enjoy the blessings!
Feel the peace!

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