
Saturday, January 17, 2015

Self-Reliant Saturdays

Saturday is the one day of the week where I feel like I can catch up on life, and maybe have a minute or two to focus on finishing up the many projects I have.  It is also a great day to take a few moments and accomplish a food storage related task.  I was inspired by the Mormon Channels January of Self-Reliant Saturdays.  I am going to run with this idea and post a Self-Reliant Saturday idea/goal/quote, every weekend here on Prepare Today.  I will also link you to the Mormon Channels posts every week. Sometimes the larger goals that we make can overwhelm us and we don't ever complete them. My hope is that by sharing a few of the smaller self-reliant goals and ideas that I have, maybe you will feel inspired to accomplish them, and then feel motivated to move onto the larger goals.  

Today's Goal
 Gather a change of clothing (winter clothing if necessary), including underwear, shoes, and socks, for each family member.  Include winter coats, boots, gloves, hats, etc. Store them in your 72-hour kits, or in an accessible plastic bin that is ready to go at a moments notice.  (Remember that it's easier to turn winter clothing into summer clothing. ie: cutting pants into shorts and longer sleeved shirts into short sleeved t-shirts. You can store clothing for both summer and winter, but if you're short on space go with winter clothing only.)

Here is the link for week 2 of the Mormon Channel's Self-Reliant Saturday post.  Click HERE

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