
Saturday, June 18, 2011

Prepare Today!!

We are half-way through June already!!  Are your lives as crazy as mine?  Life is busy and I know we all have good intentions when it comes to stocking our pantry's, but sometimes life can get in the way of accomplishing our goals.  I want you to commit to making a preparedness goal and keeping that commitment!!  Just like visiting teaching, if you let it go to far into the month it is harder to do.  I want all of you to find something in the goals each month that you can accomplish during the first week of the month.  Imagine how good you will feel knowing you are preparing your family for tough times ahead or for an emergency.  

So, for the rest of 2011 you are going to become more prepared and not procrastinate any longer!!  I also want you all to know I am here to help.  If you need me to come over to your home and help you inventory or even need me to show you the ropes of couponing, I am available to help!  Many days as I drive around town I look at how many cars and people are around me, it scares me to think that most of these people don't have a home grocery store or have even stored water.  If we were to have an earthquake, the grocery stores would be empty by day 3!!!  Water will be the first to go along with canned goods and paper goods.  Charcoal and camping supplies will also disappear off the store shelves.  Use the time we have NOW, when we can still find great sale prices and stock our homes with food and supplies, while times are relatively calm.  I don't know how else to get you to prepare unless I go door to door and drag you along with me :)  Take what President Ezra Taft Benson has said to heart:

"The revelation to store food may be as essential to our temporal salvation today as boarding the ark was to the people in the days of Noah."  ("Prepare Ye," Ensign, Jan. 1974, 69) 

I can't imagine having to watch friends and family members banging on the ark doors and Noah having to close them and listen to the wailing outside.  Keep that in mind, use your money wisely, don't procrastinate any longer!!!!!!

Click HERE to view the goals for June!!

Enjoy the journey!
Enjoy the blessings!
Feel the PEACE!!

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