Maralin Hoff was a wonderful presenter and was quite comical as well. I will highlight some of the things that I found interesting.
Maralin had great ideas when it comes to preparing for the "big one", but I loved her little suggestions. In the picture she is holding a grocery cart and she explained that if you are in the store when an earthquake is happening that the cart is your friend. You can tuck your head underneath the cart or even tip it on the side and get your head covered that way. Always put a child or baby in first and then yourself.
She also went through car kits and how important it is to have one. If there is an earthquake it may take HOURS to get home. You will need water, food, shovel, flashlight, batteries, matches, etc. in your car. Don't forget to rotate your items as well. A great tip she shared is to wrap your water in one of the foil blankets and it will help to keep it from going bad as quickly. Maralin also suggested to buy a mylar insulated lunch box from the dollar store to keep your first aid items in. The mylar will help regulate the temperature and you won't loose your band aids or first aid ointment to the heat. The lunch box will also save your duct tape as well.
- Use the Hot/Cold bags found at the grocery store to grab food quickly out of the fridge/freezer in an evacuation.
- Put nylon grip liners on all your shelves to prevent things from sliding.
- Use sticky velcro on the back of pictures to keep them hanging straight in an earthquake.
- Use bungee cords on storage shelving to keep contents in tact.
- Place cardboard between mason jars to prevent breakage.
- Tie whistles to wheel chairs, strollers, anywhere someone may need one to call for help.
Make sure your water heater is secure using the proper metal fasteners.
The displays were so complete and a great visual on how much, and what to put in the different kits. The kit above is a 72-hour kit with all the goodies that go inside.
Another kit that you should have is a workplace kit. The chances of an earthquake happening while you are at work is very likely. Being prepared with first aid items and water and food will help you until you are able to get home.
***If you click on the photos they will pull up in another screen and they are a little bigger. That way you can see some of the smaller items on the boards.
I thought that this evening was so informative and it was so great to have so many of you come. I hope you were able to take away some great ideas. We will be having a block captain meeting in the near future to follow up on what still needs to be collected.
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